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How to Identify and Fill the Employee Skills Gap with Online Training

How to Identify a Fill the Employee Skills Gap

 with Online Training

What if you knew going in when you interviewed someone their strengths and weaknesses?  It’s a question we often ask when we interview someone after all.  But, their objective at a job interview isn’t to tell you what they are weak at all, they are there to make the best possible impression so it’s generally not a good indication is it?  But, what if you had a way to know?  Would it make your job easier, would you hire different people than you do today?  What if every hire you made was going to be a long-term asset to your company?  Boy that would be amazing wouldn’t it!  Well while we are imagining this perfect hiring process, what if once you hired this new addition, you had the chance to also determine their strengths?  How would that change things?  Would you change the way you on boarded them? 
Well, you know my answer, right?  I mean Online Training is what we do here.  It’s our passion our focus and our livelihood.  But it’s also a darn good tool in both the scenarios we just daydreamed about.  Take interviewing or even weeding thru applicants to determine who to interview, it is a crazy time-consuming process and I can’t tell you how often I hear “I can teach skills, but it’s so much harder to teach someone to be passionate about doing a good job.”  That’s it right, think about your best employees, they care, they are interested, and they are determined.  So why not give your applicants the opportunity to exhibit that quality to you from the beginning?  Yep you guessed it offer up a chance to take an online training course or two or five.  I don’t know about you but I’m much more likely to hire someone that took the Who We Are and Why We Love What We Do Course!  I want them to be interested I want them to know what they are getting into.
Okay so now you’ve hired some amazing interested new employees and it’s time to get them ready for onboarding and training.  What if you could cut down the onboarding process?  Yep you guessed it why not prepare them with online training so when they come in on their first day they are armed with familiarity and ready to ask questions about the items they weren’t sure about.  The best part is your trainers can be prepared as well with reports showing course taking statistics that indicate what they do and do not need to reinforce as well.  Starting a new job is scary but ask any new employee the more information and training available the easier it is.  Telling me there are no dumb questions is great, but offering the info ahead of time, so I don’t have to ask dumb questions even better!
Wait, there’s more!  I’ve always wanted to say that, and in this case, I’m not even exaggerating.  Because the bonus to this whole discussion we’ve had is that Online Training is available anytime and anywhere.  So not only can you pre-train, train and test, you can also recertify on an ongoing basis and answer questions whenever they come up.  It’s like the employee has a direct line to the trainer or Manager but the trainer doesn’t have to answer the phone at 11pm on a Saturday.  What’s that saying, “happy spouse happy life” Yeah less time on the phone after hours is a mighty good step.
Hopefully this little blog post gave you a few things to think about.  Do you have any ideas or tips to add?  If, so we’d love to hear about them in the comments below! 


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